
The word Liturgy literally means work of the people, within the Catholic Church it is used to describe all the public acts of worship that take place, as it draws the people into the work of God.

The Liturgy of Baptism celebrates one of the Sacraments of Initiation.  The sacrament of baptism ushers us into the divine life, cleanses us from sin, and initiates us as members of the Christian community. It is the foundation for the sacramental life.

The Liturgy of the Wedding celebrates the Sacrament of Marriage  which is a covenantal union in the image of the covenants between God and his people with Abraham and later with Moses at Mt. Sinai. This divine covenant can never be broken. In this way, marriage is a union that bonds spouses together during their entire lifetime.

The Liturgy of the Funeral  tells us that life had changed, not ended. Jesus, who walks with us through all our other events in life, is present at our funerals, the liturgy of the passage of death to eternal life.

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